Flat screen plasma tvs or Liquid Crystal Display tvs.
Which of these tvs models is more energy efficient.
Check if these two models are consider green in the eco environmental energy saving
The Plasma is considered by the non profit Electric Power Research Institute according to spokes person Tom Reddoch high in power usage.
The US Environmental Protection Agency LCD sets consume twice the amount of watts while the Plasma uses five times the watts of electriciy. It depends a lot on the size of the models screens.
Projection tvs show the lowest amount of energy usage than all the models.
In November of 2008 the us governement will start rewarding the most energy efficient new TV sets with a Energy Star labels. That will bear them must operate 30%
more eletrical efficience with their tv models.
You can still keep your old tv and just get a box converter before February 2009.
Remember by replaceing a good tv for a new model creates more pollution from disposimg of those toxic waste material that will evidently end up in a recycle junk dump yard. So if it doesn't need fixing than why dump it? Just invest in a new.
Contact information:
US Enivornmental Protection Agency
Energy Star: http://www.energystar.gov
Energy Power Research Institute
Sony Corp.: http://www.sony.com