Adults between the ages of 30 up to 60 are partcipating in the exercise program. Program sponsors for a set fee physical actiavities are dodgeball, floor hockey, scatterball, wiffleball, kickball, dodgeball and spider ball with some frisbee throughs. These games were played in the Old School Physical Ed programs.
The program lasts two hours exercising by rotateing the games. Every week the teens are doing something different.
Union Grove's physical ed program is modeled after the Old School House Program in New Port New Hampsire.
It's a good way to meet people while getting exercise at eh the same time.
The groups are made up of adults and teens who get together utilizing elementary school gyms.
The program was modeled after the website see for further information on setting up your own program. There are fees involved to cover expenses and hiring a physical educational teacher to select commissioners to handle the games and instructions.