Recycles green. Recycle items cell phones,cans,rubber,remove all caps from all plastic containers, plastic water bottles, newspaper, paper, old magazines, glass ware bottles, old TV's recyle, light bulbs. Cars old oil. Kindle readers save trees. Recycle computers. Retailers buy computer parts or give the customer credit. Yard waste material. Old battiers.
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Rain barrels used to recycle rain water.
Rain barrels used to recycle rain water. What is a Rain Barrel system?
The system collects and stores rainwater run off from the roof. This will divert water run off from getting into storm drains and streams.
It's easy to install just by directing the downspout from the homes gutter by attacking it to the rain barrel. Than it will collect rainwater that reducing the amount of water that gets in to sewer systems by helping conserve water usage.